Monday Apr 22, 2024

Sustainability in Global Mission: Exploring the Question of Sustainability and Creation Care with Matthew Niermann & Jasmine Kwong

The past century has seen a rise of more products, more people, more energy, more debt, more work, more expectations. This burden of more has led the world and the church to begin to ask: 'What is sustainable?'


In this episode of the Lausanne Movement Podcast, we explore the topic of sustainability in global missions, with a specific focus on Creation Care.

We are joined by guests:

  • Dr. Matthew Niermann: Director of the State of the Great Commission Report.
  • Jasmine Kwong: Creation Care advocate with OMF International.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Context shifts of sustainability in the world and Christianity including cultural influence, creation care, debt ratios, and health.
  • The difference between Creation Care and Environmentalism
  • The Biblical mandates for Creation Care
  • How Creation Care connects to the Great Commission

Jasmine and Matthew weave together the theological and practical dimensions of how Christians could live out their faith more faithfully in today’s world, offering practical steps we can take in integrating Creation Care into our ministries and daily lives.


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Jasmine Kwong Bio: 

Jasmine is a creation care advocate with OMF International and based in the Philippines. With a background in conservation biology and community development, she often works in the intersections between people and the natural world. Her particular interests are in food security and marine conservation.


Matthew Niermann Bio:

Matthew Niermann has served the Lausanne Movement since 2010 in a variety of roles including research and operations. He is currently serving as the director of the State of the Great Commission Report for Lausanne 4. In addition, he serves as a dean and professor of architectural design at California Baptist University, where his research partially focuses on the relationship between creativity and Christian witness.

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